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Welcome Allies of Simon's Law

If you are a parent who is overwhelmed and feeling a sense of hopelessness, you’ve come to the right place!

We believe each child was created for a specific purpose and no child should fight for their life on their own!

Simon’s Law says, “NO!” No child’s medical chart should have a do not resuscitate order (DNR) and/or the withholding of life sustaining treatments without parental knowledge or consent.
Our intent is to make each state a “Simon State” by stopping secret do not resuscitate (DNR) orders!

If all children aren’t protected, then all are at risk! Simon’s Kids says, “NO!” No child should be denied life sustaining treatment withheld by a medical professional or insurance provider.

Our passion is saving lives by supporting and financially assisting to provide life sustaining treatments for minor children in the United States of America.

“I can’t bring my son, Simon, back, but I want to make sure that no parent or guardian of a minor child is stripped of their parental rights in the determination of their child’s life or death.”

~Sheryl Crosier Simon’s Mom

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